Can Rabbits Eat Lettuce?

The answer is, yes they can!  But only certain types of lettuce due to some types producing excessive amounts of varying substances that can harm your rabbit.

You should only give your rabbit Romaine Lettuce and/or Lambs Lettuce (also known as Corn Salad). 

The general rule of thumb for lettuce is that the darker the lettuce leaves the healthier it will be.

At absolutely no point should you feed your rabbit iceberg lettuce as this contains a toxin called Lactucarium.

If you are giving your rabbit lettuce, make sure it’s done in moderation and definitely mix it up and use different veggies every day!

Can lettuce kill rabbits?

Yes, lettuce can kill rabbits. Typically this will be any of the lighter colored lettuce species which contains Lactucarium.

Can rabbits eat any kind of lettuce?

No, Rabbits should only eat dark leaved lettuce species including Romaine Lettuce,  Butterhead Lettuce,  Green Leaf Lettuce &  Red Leaf Lettuce.

How much lettuce should I feed my rabbit?

Start off by feeding your bunny with chopped up leaves in small handful portions and eventually add more each week.

After feeding, you should keep an eye on your bunny for the next 24 hours, check for problems including discomfort, diarrhea and bloating.

If everything is normal after feeding your rabbit lettuce, you can add it to their regular diet moving forward with other vegetables.

Bunnies love lettuce a lot, which is great as lettuce is the perfect greens filler to add to their diet and can help fill them up.

Lettuce itself is full of lots of nutritional value which is great for their health, this varies from species to species of  lettuce.

Before feeding your bunnies lettuce you need to wash the lettuce thoroughly under water to get rid of any pesticides

Check the roots as well as you’ll find that particularly hard to clean. Really, you can slice that off and just give your rabbit the leafy part of the lettuce.

You can mix 1 or 2 lettuce leaves with other green veggies like spinach, kale, mint, cilantro and basil etc.

Do not forget to supply your bunnies with fresh and clean water, and always stick to the recommended rabbit diet to avoid any health problems in bunnies.