Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

The answer is yes, rabbits can eat parsley. Parsley is an absolute favorite for our rabbit Link.

Not only can they eat parsley but it’s a great addition to their diet with limited to almost no downsides making it something you should add to your rabbit’s dietary plan.

Parsley is incredibly rich in antioxidants and Vitamins A & K, additionally, it smells wonderful!

The only downside to parsley is overfeeding. In larger quantities parsley can lead to an excess of vitamin and mineral count which can lead to organ damage and potential GI Stasis

If your rabbit is eating mostly hay (at least 80%), your rabbit shouldn’t have any issues. However, this does vary from rabbit to rabbit.

In terms of the quantity, it’s all about portion control. Introduce parsley slowly by giving only a small bundle a day at most.

You should only give your rabbit parsley 2-3 times a week at most, mix this up with other dark leafy greens and vegetables.

Luckily due to how healthy parsley is, you can give your rabbit the stems and the bushy part which is easily chewed and eaten. 

If your rabbit has issues eating or needs assistance, you can chop up the parsley leaves into smaller parts which should help with digestion and avoid potential choking hazards.

Additionally if your rabbit has a sensitive gut, running the parsley through with water should remove any additional bacteria or pesticides.

When giving your rabbit parsley, make sure it's fresh and stored in the fridge if not consumed.

Parsley contains high amounts of Vitamin A & Vitamin K along with Folic Acid & Iron. This makes parsley an amazing choice to add to any rabbits greens diet.