What Vegetables Are Safe for My Rabbit?

Rabbits are very fragile creatures, but they love food. Especially fruits and vegetables.

If you were to observe a wild rabbit you would notice that they eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. This can range from wet and dry grass to a lot of leafy greens. 

Wild rabbits will often eat bark (especially willow), twigs, seeds, and more, but this doesn’t mean that this makes for a healthy diet for your house rabbits.

So, what fruit and veg can you feed your bunny? We'll take a look!

Rabbits’ stomachs can take some time to get used to a new food. Your rabbit may not get along with some of these foods on this list.

After giving your rabbit some of these foods, we suggest waiting at least 24 hours and keeping an eye on their poo as this will be a good indication of any intolerant digestive issues.

Remember to give everything a wash for at least 20 seconds. Simply run it under cold water and give it a wipe-over to remove any poisonous toxins or chemicals.

Always give your rabbit small portions, no more than 1 cup of vegetables for each 4lbs your rabbit weighs. 

Vegetables your rabbit can eat

Bell peppers Bok choy Brussels sprouts Celery Carrot tops Cucumber Endive Escarole Fennel

Lettuces: romaine, green leaf, red leaf, Boston bibb, arugula, butter

Okra leaves Radicchio Radish tops Watercress Wheatgrass Zucchini Broccoli Carrots Chard Clover Collard greens

Dandelion greens (pesticide-free) Kale Spinach Asparagus Cabbage (Can cause gas so small portions only) Curly Kale Fennel Pumpkin Squash Spring Greens Peas Swede

Flowers:  English daisy,  hibiscus,  honeysuckle,  marigold,  nasturtium,  pansy,  rose

Do NOT give your rabbit iceberg lettuce or light-colored lead lettuce.  Chop your vegetables into chunks but not small enough for your rabbit to choke. 

If you have a baby bunny, by 4 weeks old, they can eat the same vegetables as its parents do. Anything from the list will be fine in moderation.

Fruits should be limited due to their high sugar content which can cause health issues for your rabbit. We highly suggest limiting this to 1-3 tablespoons of fruit per day.

Fruits your rabbit can eat

Apples Apricot Banana Blackberries Blueberries Grapes (Purple & Green) Kiwi Fruit Mango Water Melon

Nectarines Papaya Pears Plums Pineapple Peaches Raspberries Strawberries Tomatoes (Do not give them leaves or stalk)

Do not give your rabbit pips or stones as these are usually poisonous.

Herbs your rabbit can eat

Basil Coriander Cilantro Dill Peppermint Oregano Rosemary Sage Thyme Parsley

Herbs are potent, so make sure to start by giving very small portions. Try mixing these in with your other fruits and veg!

 Be very careful with wild herbs as some may contain poisonous chemicals. Some wild plants can be hazardous to your little fur friend. 

Plants your rabbit should NOT eat 

Amaryllis Arum lily Bindweed Bracken Bryony Buttercup Convolvulus Deadly nightshade Delphinium Elder

Fool’s parsley Foxglove Hellebores Hemlock Henbane Lily of the valley Lupin Laburnum Most evergreens Oak leaves Poppies

Potato tops Privet Ragwort Rhubarb leaves Scarlet runnertoadflax Woody nightshade Yew

Don’t worry too much if your rabbit is a fussy or picky eater. Some rabbits just aren’t that fussed about greens and much prefer pellets and hay.

Don’t forget that after all these veggies and fruit hay is still the single most important factor to your rabbit’s diet.

As rabbits are grazing animals you should constantly give them an unlimited supply of fresh hay.

You only want to be giving them between 1 to 2 cups of fresh daily vegetables if you can.  If they’re a dwarf breed tone this down to just 1 cup a day.