Can Bunnies Eat Peaches?

Published: July 15th, 2023
Last Updated: July 23rd, 2023
Written By: Bradly Spicer
Can Rabbits Eat Peaches

In this article, we will address a common question among rabbit owners: Can rabbits eat peaches? We understand the importance of understanding a rabbit’s diet and ensuring their well-being. So, let’s dive into the world of rabbits and peaches.

Rabbits can indeed eat peaches! The short answer is yes, and rabbits can safely consume peaches in moderation. These juicy fruits are not toxic to rabbits and can be a tasty and nutritious addition to their diet. However, a few important considerations exist before offering peaches to your furry friend.

The Nutritional Value of Peaches

Peaches are not only delicious but also offer several nutritional benefits for rabbits. They are a good source of vitamins A and C, essential for a rabbit’s overall health.

These vitamins contribute to a robust immune system, healthy skin, and a shiny coat. Additionally, peaches contain dietary fiber, promoting proper digestion and preventing gastrointestinal issues in rabbits.

Nutritional value of raw peaches per 155g serving (approximately 1 cup):

NutrientAmount% Daily Value
Total Fat0.4g1%
Total Carbohydrate16g6%
Dietary Fiber2.3g8%
Vitamin D0mcg0%
Vitamin A, RAE37.2 mcg4%
Vitamin C [Ascorbic acid]6.4 mg7%
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)1.13 mg8%
Vitamin K4.7 mcg4%
Choline9.5 mg2%
Copper0.12 mg13%
Magnesium12.4 mg3%
Phosphorus34.1 mg3%
Selenium3.25 mcg6%
Zinc0.36 mg3%
Pile of Peaches

How to Feed Peaches to Your Rabbits

When introducing peaches to your rabbit’s diet, following the correct preparation methods is crucial. Here are some steps to ensure your bunny enjoys peaches safely:

  1. Choose ripe and fresh peaches: Opt for organic peaches whenever possible to avoid potential pesticide residues.
  2. Thoroughly wash the peaches: Rinse the peaches under cool water to remove any dirt or contaminants.
  3. Remove the pits: Peach pits contain cyanide, which is toxic to rabbits. Ensure all pits are removed before offering peaches to your furry friend.
  4. Slice the peaches into bite-sized pieces: Cut them into small, manageable portions to make it easier for your rabbit to eat. You want them no bigger than a 1×1 inch cube, if possible even smaller.
  5. Introduce peaches gradually: Start by offering your rabbit a small piece of peach and observe their reaction. You can gradually increase the amount over time if there are no adverse effects.

Following these guidelines can provide your rabbit with a safe and enjoyable peach-eating experience!

Cute rabbit eating hay

The Risks of Overfeeding Peaches

While peaches are generally safe for rabbits, avoiding overfeeding them is crucial. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and consuming excessive amounts of fruit, including peaches, can lead to health issues. Here are some risks associated with overfeeding peaches to rabbits:

  1. Diarrhea: Overconsumption of peaches can cause diarrhea in rabbits. This can lead to dehydration and other complications if not addressed promptly.
  2. Weight gain: Peaches contain natural sugars, and excessive sugar intake can contribute to weight gain in rabbits. It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet to prevent obesity in rabbits.
  3. Disruption of the gut flora: Feeding too many peaches can disrupt the delicate balance of a rabbit’s gut flora, leading to digestive problems.

As a responsible rabbit owner, monitoring your rabbit’s intake and ensuring that peaches are offered as an occasional treat rather than a staple food in their diet is crucial.

Other Fruits That Rabbits Can Eat

Apart from peaches, there are several other fruits that rabbits can enjoy. Here is a list of safe fruits that you can incorporate into your rabbit’s diet:

  1. Apples: Rich in vitamins and fiber, apples make a great occasional treat for rabbits. Remember to remove the seeds and core before feeding.
  2. Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are all safe for rabbits. They are packed with antioxidants and add variety to their diet.
  3. Bananas: High in potassium and natural sugars, bananas can be given as an occasional treat. However, due to their high sugar content, they should be fed in moderation.
  4. Melons: Watermelon and cantaloupe are hydrating fruits that rabbits can enjoy. Remove the seeds and rind before offering them.
  5. Pears: Pears are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Ensure that you remove the seeds and core before feeding.

Remember to gradually introduce new fruits, monitor your rabbit’s reaction, and offer a balanced diet with hay, fresh vegetables, and limited fruit portions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Can rabbits eat peach peels?

While rabbits can eat small amounts of peach peels, removing them before offering the fruit is best. The peels can be tough to digest for rabbits, potentially causing digestive issues and choking hazards.

How often can I feed peaches to my rabbit?

Peaches should be considered an occasional treat rather than a regular part of a rabbit’s diet. Offer peaches no more than once or twice a week in small, bite-sized portions.

Are canned peaches safe for rabbits?

It’s best to avoid feeding canned peaches to rabbits. Canned fruits often contain added sugars and preservatives, which can harm rabbits. Stick to fresh, organic peaches for your furry friend.

Can peach pits be harmful if accidentally ingested by rabbits?

Yes, peach pits can be extremely dangerous if ingested by rabbits. The pits contain cyanide, which is toxic to rabbits. Always remove the pits before offering peaches to your rabbit.

Can rabbits eat frozen peaches?

Yes, rabbits can eat frozen peaches. Freezing peaches can be a refreshing treat during hot summer weather. Ensure that the peaches are thawed and cut into small pieces before serving.

Are all parts of the peach tree safe for rabbits?

No, rabbits should not consume any part of the peach tree, including leaves, stems, or branches. These parts may contain toxic compounds and should be kept away from rabbits.


In conclusion, rabbits can enjoy peaches as a tasty and nutritious treat. However, it’s important to follow the proper guidelines for feeding peaches to rabbits, including removing the pits and offering them in moderation. Remember that a balanced diet, consisting primarily of hay and fresh vegetables, is crucial for a rabbit’s overall well-being.

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