DIY GUIDE: Nesting Box for your pregnant bunny

Published: July 7th, 2022
Last Updated: July 9th, 2023
Written By: Bradly Spicer
Nesting Box 1

If you’re a rabbit owner, you may have noticed your female bunny (Doe) going into hiding more often lately. While they may be up to their usual antics, there’s a good chance that your rabbit is getting ready to nest. Providing them with a nesting box can make the process easier for both of you. In this post, we’ll look at what goes into making a perfect nesting box for your rabbit and some of the benefits of providing one.

What can I use as a nesting box for rabbits?

If you’re wondering what to use as a nesting box for your pregnant rabbit, wonder no more! A Rabbit Nesting Box can be easily made using a single wood plank. Here are the dimensions you’ll need:

  • The length of the plank should be at least twice the length of your rabbit.
  • The width of the plank should be at least three times the width of your rabbit.
  • The height of the plank should be at least two times the height of your rabbit.

Alternatively, if you haven’t got accessibility to a plank of wood, you can often give your rabbit a cat carry case or place a few cardboard boxes around. The problem with both options is that your rabbit may use them as a toilet area.

Alternatively, use 1×4 wood and place this inside a container. Follow this up with a sheet of newspaper and a base of straw (Not hay) your doe may use for their nesting area.

DIY make a rabbit nesting box

How to make a Rabbit Nesting Box

Making your own Rabbit Nesting Box or helping your rabbit find one is a great way to provide a comfortable and safe space for your pregnant rabbit. By doing so, you’ll help her have a successful pregnancy and a litter of healthy baby rabbits.

  • Cut the plank to size using a saw. If you don’t have a saw, you can ask a friend or family member to help you.
  • Make two holes in the plank, one at each end. These holes should be big enough for your rabbit to fit through easily.
  • Place the plank on the ground in your rabbit’s enclosure, with the holes facing up.
  • Put bedding material inside the Rabbit Nesting Box, such as hay, straw, or shredded paper.

Your Rabbit Nesting Box is now ready for use!

What to Look for in a Rabbit Nesting Box

If you don’t want to make your own Rabbit Nesting Box, you can also help your rabbit find one. Look for a box that is:

  • The right size for your rabbit. Remember, the box should be at least twice the length of your rabbit, and the width and height should be at least three times the width and height of your rabbit, respectively.
  • Made of sturdy material, such as wood or cardboard.
  • Place the box in your rabbit’s enclosure, with the opening facing up.
  • Put bedding material inside the Rabbit Nesting Box, such as hay, straw, or shredded paper. Preferably straw over hay
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